Where Every Hunter's Dream Comes True!

About Blueberry Hill
So this is the story of how Blueberry Hill Outfitters got to be what we are today! At the very young age of 2 I began going on the trapline with my dad to check traps, i rode in a sleigh in a cardboard box and from that time on i had a love for the outdoors! Growing up in Hudson Bay I had the opportunity to explore what the great outdoors had to offer and exploring is what I did! Throughout my high school years I hunted elk, moose, and deer as well as helped on the trapline. At the young age of 18 I started guiding for an outfitter in the McBride Lake area which lasted 2 years until I grabbed the opportunity to buy Armit Outfitters just east of Hudson Bay, SK. So in 2004 Blueberry Hill Outfitters began and I began living my dream of helping fellow hunters capture their dream of killing a trophy whitetail deer or black bear!
Over the past 13 years I have acquired my neighbouring outfitter, formerly Odyssey Outfitters, in which I now have over 250,000 acres of provincial forest and private farm land to hunt on! All of our hunts are over an active bait whether your hunting with a rifle or bow we have the perfect blind for your needs! With the expertise of my guide (with over 15 years of guiding) known as "The Wolf" we are sure to do our best to fulfill your dream of killing a trophy animal!
We are a family run business with my mom doing all the delicious homemade cooking. With the help of my wife, Cherie and son Blake, my dad Terry, brother Vern and THE Wolf they help keep the baits going and trails clean! I can't forget to mention my sister Leanne who is always willing to travel whenever needed! I am blessed with 2 other children Zoey and Beau who are eager to learn and help in anyway!
So with the knowledge and expertise growing up in the outdoors and help from my expert guide we are sure to offer you an incredible unforgettable experience at Blueberry Hill Outfitters! We have over a 70% clientele rebook rate! Please contact us today to book your spot!